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Thread (spider) veins: how to treat them -Ever looked down and noticed a tiny little purple vein has appeared on your leg? This is a thread vein, more commonly known as a spider vein, and they’re easier to treat than you think.

Thread veins: where, when and how?

Thread veins can be found anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found on your legs or the nose. Thread veins appear when small amounts of blood come together in the veins near the surface of your skin, and you’re more likely to suffer from thread veins if it runs in the family; you’re obese; have suffered from trauma or you’ve recently had a drastic fluctuation in hormone levels. For example, women who are over 30 and pregnant are typically more susceptible to thread veins.

It’s important that you don’t confuse thread veins with varicose veins, which are both more visible (larger) and more serious. Varicose veins occur due to high blood pressure, which can happen when an individual is pregnant, overweight, constipated, or has a tumour. It’s important that you see your GP if you suspect a varicose vein.

Treating thread veins: IPL (Intense Pulse Light)

Thankfully, if you have thread veins, treatment is available through IPL: Intense Pulse Light. As we say on our treatment page, ‘IPL works by targeting specific skin cells with a wavelength of different light energies. This light energy is converted into heat energy which works to destroy the cell’.

This process is rarely painful and an easy procedure for those concerned with the appearance of their thread veins if they’re especially prominent. It’s also a very efficient treatment process, often taking under an hour without downtime, ensuring you can fit your IPL treatment in with your day without hassle, unlike some far more invasive medical procedures.

A course of IPL treatment will dramatically reduce the visibility of your thread veins. IPL is also used as a hair removal treatment, so it’s worth asking about this too if you’re concerned about any excess body hair.

Contact the MedSkin Clinic today to find out more about how our IPL procedure with our friendly team of professionals can help treat your thread veins.

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