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Crow Feet

Three reasons stress makes crow feet spring up out of nowhere -It can take as little as a few turbulent weeks to bring on signs of ageing. In fact, if you’ve been stressed or under pressure then you could come to find that crow’s feet seemingly spring up out of nowhere. Admittedly this can be extremely deflating when you’ve been navigating difficult water, but it’s nothing that can’t be treated with the help of Botox. If you’re looking to understand why you have recently ended up with more wrinkles, then here are three ways stress can lead to crow’s feet.


You can find yourself tossing and turning all night long if you’ve been suffering from stress. Aside from leaving you feeling shattered, sleeplessness can also play havoc with your skin. This is because your body will find it difficult to produce a decent amount of human growth hormone when you’re not well-rested, in the process meaning that your skin isn’t as thick or as healthy as it needs to be to adequately wade off the signs of aging.


It’s not uncommon for stress to impact upon a person’s appetite. In most cases, it can mean that you’re eating and drinking more or less than you usually would. More often than not, this will mean that you’re inadvertently depriving your body of the goodness it needs to excel. Consider, for instance, water. If you’re too distracted to stay hydrated then this can mean that your skin loses its strength and vitality – ultimately meaning an increased risk of wrinkles.


You won’t realise it, but when you become stressed your body starts to produce an abundance of cortisol. This is a hormone that is used to regulate blood pressure (amongst other things), but it can also break down the collagen in your skin and make it lose its elasticity.

It’s time to fight back

The best way to put a stressful time behind you is to start looking ahead to the future. A future where, it should be noted, you’re still without crow’s feet! If you’re interested in Botox and want to find out more information from a medical professional, get in touch with MedSkin Clinic.

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