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Excessive ear wax could affect your professional life -You shouldn’t settle for excessive ear wax. This isn’t just because it can be uncomfortable and unsightly, but also because it can have far-reaching effects on your professional life. This is especially true if the wax is clumped up around your eardrum, making it difficult to hear your colleagues. The outcome of this can mean that you struggle to hold even a brief conversation with others! Let’s have a look at three problems that this might cause for you in your professional life.


It’s quite possible that you will struggle to build relationships with your colleagues in work when you’re suffering from excessive ear wax. After all, if you aren’t responsive to those around you then you could come across as rude and uncaring. Over time your colleagues will likely come to see this as a personality trait rather than understanding that it’s just one of the many negative by-products of suffering from excessive ear wax.


The strength of a team is often down to their ability to communicate. Unfortunately, you might find yourself limited in this department if you’re dealing with excessive ear wax. Take, for instance, when you’re carrying out a task. If you’re unable to adequately communicate with those around you – even when they are simply asking you basic questions – then it will limit what you can all accomplish.


The inability to hear clearly can be a source of great stress and frustration. These feelings are all the more likely to manifest in the workplace since it’s an environment where people are expected to remain at peak performance. Coming to terms with the likelihood that your reduced hearing makes this unlikely can ultimately make you feel unnecessarily anxious about going into work.

Let us help

You’ll be pleased to know that we offer a number of ear wax removal options at MedSkin Clinic. This includes ear irrigation and micro-suction. Whether you’re taking action because you can’t stand the discomfort or because of the hearing issues you’re suffering from, be sure to get in touch with our team of medical professionals.

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