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Botox Derby & Nottingham, what can we treat at these clinics and what should you know before you choose Botox? For many years, Botox (Botulinum Toxin) has been successfully used for cosmetic purposes (smoothing out lines and wrinkles, such as crow’s feet and frown lines), the world over. However, many people don’t realise that it’s also a very useful treatment for certain muscular conditions.

For more information on our Derby & Nottingham Botox clinics give us a call on 03301 132 2640 or send us a message online and we’ll be in touch. If you prefer to Book via text you can on 07537 416 110 (SMS only).

Botox Derby & Nottingham Clinics – Conditions we can treat


Botox can help to relieve migraines if you suffer from them on a regular basis and help prevent them from returning.

Lazy Eye:

Caused by an imbalance of muscles around the eye, Botox can help to relax and temporarily reduce the appearance of a “lazy eye.”

Excessive Sweating

Injected into certain muscles, Botox can help to reduce excessive sweating on a temporary basis.

Muscle Contractions

Botox injections can help relax muscles and temporarily reduce the effects caused by neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy.

Bladder Issues

Issues such as an overactive bladder can sometimes be treated by Botox and temporarily reduce the side effects of such a condition.

Please note that it’s recommended you speak to your GP before agreeing to any Botox treatment for a medical condition.

How long does it last?

Depending on the dosage, the effects of Botox can last between three and six months and may need topping up on a regular basis, depending on the condition it is treating. Your doctor will be able to advise further on this.

Do I need it?

Before making any decisions regarding whether or not to have Botox, you should speak to a trained professional about the side effects, the pros and the cons and the risks involved. Although rare, things can go wrong and there can be adverse reactions such as infection, redness or swelling. Make sure you’ve researched the clinics in your area that provide Botox treatment and that you are happy with the process.

For more information on our Derby & Nottingham Botox clinics give us a call on 03301 132 2640 or send us a message online and we’ll be in touch. If you prefer to Book via text you can on 07537 416 110 (SMS only).

Botox derby & Nottingham Anti-wrinkle injections - Med Skin Clinic

Botox Derby & Nottingham Clinics – Things to Know before getting Botox

Ageing is a natural part of life. Over time, we repeatedly use the same facial muscles which can lead to the appearance of fine lines. As we get older, our bodies produce less collagen and these lines can become permanent.

Botox injections can reduce muscle activity in problem areas, preventing the skin from creasing and giving it time to recover its youthful appearance. Curious to find out more? Here are three things to know before getting botox:

The results won’t be instant

If you’re expecting to walk out the door wrinkle-free, think again – botox treatments aren’t an instant fix. That said, you won’t have too long to wait, most people generally start to see results in around ten days.

You might bruise a little

The treatment involves several tiny injections using a fine needle in the problem area and a few people experience a small amount of bruising after Botox injections as the skin recovers. Don’t worry though, the treatment itself isn’t painful, most people just experience a stinging sensation. If you are worried about the pain, you can opt to numb the area with ice or anaesthetic cream beforehand.

Heading to the gym or for a run after your botox injections is a no-no. You’ll also need to put that celebratory drink on hold – you should avoid touching the area or drinking alcohol for 12 hours after the appointment. At the MedSkin Clinic, you’ll be able to talk through any concerns you have about the treatment or your recovery beforehand with a qualified clinician.

The dosage will vary

Botox is not a one size fits all treatment. In your free 30-60 minute consultation, you’ll be able to talk to your clinician about the look you are trying to achieve and they will tailor the treatment to you. Depending on the look you are after, you might need more than one appointment. You’ll also need to return to the clinic to receive top-up injections for a year or so after your initial Botox treatment.

If you would like to know more about this skin treatment or to book a free consultation, clinics give us a call on 03301 132 2640 or send us a message online and we’ll be in touch. If you prefer to Book via text you can on 07537 416 110 (SMS only).

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